Thursday, February 3, 2011


We have decided to create a blog so that we can share our upcoming adventures in New Zealand with family, friends and supporters!

USPC's 2011 Inter Pacific Exchange team:
Alexa Wolf, H-A from Middle California region
Kaleigh Quinn, B from New Jersey region
Kelsey Hamilton, H-A from Delmarva region
Susan Thomas, B from Old Dominion region
Kiersti Wylie, H-A from Southern California region
Coach: Janna Bankston Ritacco, Carolina region
Team manager: Robyn Whitten, Carolina region

Trip Itinerary:

May 1- May 15, 2011.

We will have a training and team building session for a few days in late April at the Wylie family's USPC Riding Center in San Diego before departing for New Zealand.

We will meet up with the other teams from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and Hong Kong on New Zealand's South Island in Christchurch on May 1st and the Canterbury Area PC will host the teams for the first week of the exchange. Events the first week include a scramble team event in the form of a One Day Event at McLean's Island, Christchurch. Waikato Area PC located on the North Island of New Zealand will host the teams for the second week and will host the Nation's Cup Show Jumping Competition at the Kihikihi Domain. The teams will be accomodated at the Lake Karapiro rowing facility which is being used for this year's Rowing World Cup. We will depart from the Auckland airport on May 15th.

History of the IPE: The Inter Pacific Exchange first began in Australia in 1964. Great Britain, the United States, Canada, and New Zealand were originally part of the exchange, followed by Hong Kong and Japan. The exchange was conceived for the older members of Pony Club to have an educational, cultural, bilingual, and competitive experience. Each team consists of four members, a coach and a team manager/chaperone. Team selection criteria:

  • Be a B level rating or higher

  • Older than 17 years of age

  • Riders are expected to have had experience riding and competing borrowed horses

  • Have competed at least at the training level in eventing

  • Jumped 3'6" in Show Jumping

  • Have top horse management skills

  • Have extraordinary recommendations

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